📄️ AutoComplete
Helps the user make a selection by entering some text and choosing from among a list of suggestions.
📄️ AutofillGroup
Groups autofillable controls such as TextField
📄️ Checkbox
Checkbox allows to select one or more items from a group, or switch between two mutually exclusive options (checked or unchecked, on or off).
📄️ Chip
Chips are compact elements that represent an attribute, text, entity, or action.
📄️ CupertinoCheckbox
A macOS style checkbox. Checkbox allows to select one or more items from a group, or switch between two mutually exclusive options (checked or unchecked, on or off).
📄️ CupertinoRadio
A macOS style radio button. Radio buttons let people select a single option from two or more choices.
📄️ CupertinoSlider
An macOS style slider. It provides a visual indication of adjustable content, as well as the current setting in the total range of content.
📄️ CupertinoSwitch
An iOS-style switch.
📄️ CupertinoTextField
An iOS-style text field.
📄️ Dropdown
A material design button for selecting from a list of items.
📄️ Radio
Radio buttons let people select a single option from two or more choices.
📄️ RangeSlider
A Material Design range slider. Used to select a range from a range of values.
📄️ SearchBar
A Material Design search bar. It visually looks like a TextField with the difference that, tapping on it opens a search view.
📄️ Slider
A slider provides a visual indication of adjustable content, as well as the current setting in the total range of content.
📄️ Switch
A toggle represents a physical switch that allows someone to choose between two mutually exclusive options.
📄️ TextField
A material design text field.